Thursday, June 19, 2008

Nauvoo: Drive to the Airport

With all the flooding going on in Illinois, Amy and I gave ourselves plenty of time to avoid getting stuck in areas. We wanted to make sure that we made our flight. We didn't have too many problems although we did have to modify our route and drive through a little bit of water.

Before we left we took a few more tours of historic Nauvoo.



We took a carriage ride that took us through the country side and took us some history of the area.



We even saw this little fawn that was just the cutest thing ever.



Our drive back was broken up by a couple of stops to view some cows and horses. It's fun to see the babies.





Our final stop before getting to the Moline Airport was at the cemetery. Amy wandered around looking at the old graves and I got distracted by this little squirrel, he couldn't run from my camera :)



Jen said...

Love the doors and the missionary! Good work as always!

Lynn said...

If I had known you were going to be in Illinois I would have planned to meet up so you could get some shots of my little girls! (You do the best work I see these days.) You travel so much, you should set up a little itinerary thing on your blog so people can see what areas you're headed to (like music bands with their concerts)... family and friends in those destinations would probably give you more business. That is, if you aren't afraid of stalkers that would always know where you were headed next, haha. :)